Legal Costs Assessment is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), used in place of legal costs taxations in the finalising of costs disputes.
Legal Costs Assessment is a process in which the parties to a costs dispute present arguments and evidence to a Legal Costs Assessor who makes a determination by exercising his/her discretion based on past experience, case law and practices..
The legal costs dispute is heard privately at a time and place that is agreed upon by all parties and they choose a system that promises a fair and private resolution in circumstances most suited to their needs.
Furthermore, parties have the security of an administered system with a carefully drafted Code of Conduct.
Contact BLCM
BLCM provides a neutral platform and physical venue for parties to resolve disputes relating to the taxation of bills of costs and a forum with competent and experienced Legal Costs Mediators and Assessors to assist parties in resolving their legal costs disputes.
Read More ...Posted by Jacques Haynes on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Views: 6278